French Press – The easiest Coffee-Brewer?

French Press - The easiest Coffee-Brewer?

“A smart little multipurpose brewer with very enjoyable results.”

The French Press – The easiest Coffee-Brewer? As an entry level coffee drinker, this is the ‘go to’ brewing equipment we recommend to add into your kitchen. It is affordable, durable and compared to other methods it doesn’t require any paper filtration. And with a few tips and tricks, you can brew a clean and very tasty coffee with this convenient brewer.


Our recipe for 2 Cups

*The recipe is easily scalable – for each person we add around one table spoon / 12g of coffee. The coffee-to-water-ratio we like is 1:15. You can adjust to your taste.

– French Press
– two spoons
– a timer (the one in your phone works great)
– a kitchen scale or measurement cup

25g (2 full Tbsp) coffee, medium ground
(Find our current favourite French Press Coffee – here!)

375g of water

93 – 97°C

4 minutes

Step 1:
Measure 25g of coffee and grind on a medium to coarse setting. If you do not have a grinder yet, use three tablespoons of ground coffee. Tip your coffee into the press and give it a gentle shake to level the grounds.

Step 2:
Bring the water to a boil and wait for approx 20-30 seconds for the right temperature before you pour.

Step 3:
Start your timer and pour about ¼ of the hot water in a circular motion, until all the coffee grounds are submerged in water.

Step 4:
Give the grounds a gentle stir with a spoon. Enjoy watching the coffee bloom for about 30 seconds.

Step 5:
Pour the rest of the water and wait until your timer reads 4 minutes.

Step 6:
Use one of your spoons and give one gentle stir to the crust that forms on top of the water.
The crust will break and slowly sink to the ground.

Step 7:
Use both spoons to scoop the last floating bits off the surface and discard in the sink.

Step 8:
Place the lid with the plunger on top of the french press and slowly press down. Do not push the punger all the way down! Rest it just above the surface of the coffee grounds.

Step 9:
Decant the coffee into a server or directly into your cups to prevent over-extraction.

Enjoy your freshly brewed coffee with friends, by yourself or with your dog. Please don’t hesitate to contact us in case you need recommendations for suitable coffee beans. Bộ Lạc supports you on the way to the best cup possible.


Random coffee-knowledge

The Legend of the French Press

According to legend the invention of the french press dates back to the 1850’s when a Frenchman tried to brew his coffee in a small pot over an open fire. He added the coffee grounds into the boiling water and realized quickly that the coffee grounds kept floating on the surface and the coffee was bitter and unenjoyable. A passing Italian merchant saw the struggling Frenchman and gave him a thin fitting metal screen which the Frenchman then pushed down with a thin stick, together with the coffee grounds. The result was a surprisingly clean and delicious cup of coffee. Many decades, design & patents later, the French Press as we know it today is a simple, but yet effective brewing tool which found its way into most western kitchens.


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